20 Resources. Over 30 Lessons worth of Resources.
Each Lesson being 50 minutes.
I promise you will not be disappointed.
Mainly Area, Angles, Perimeter, Fraction, Pie Charts.
You are guaranteed to be happy with what you are buying.
Please look at each resource individually for details.
Great for quick fire revision or whole lessons.
This bundle contains 6 lessons on Division and Multiplication. Word Problems included.
Each resource contains a PowerPoint filled with questions and answers testing for understanding and misconceptions. Colourful interactive slides.
Problem Solving Questions Included.
PLEASE look at the resource individually to preview what is exactly included.
You will not be disappointed, I guarantee you.
6 Lessons worth of resources, 300 minutes.
PLUS a bonus lesson on Factors.
** Kindly review if you are purchasing this item **
Great for revision or whole lessons.
Limited time only this special price for over £30 pounds worth of resources a SPECIAL PRICE.
The Great ALL Statistics Bundle filled with worksheets and answers, lesson presentation engaging and interactive.
Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision.
11 Resources, Over 15 Lessons worth of resources.
Contains GREAT Animated Graphics / tools to make that teaching easier. Ideal for revision or for whole lessons, very well planned and in detail so ideal for either mode.
Data Handling Lessons. Enjoy!
Ideal for GCSE 9-1 exam practice
Ideal for GCSE revision
20 Resources. Over 40 Lessons worth of resources.
Each lesson being 50 minutes worth.
Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision.
You are guaranteed to be happy with what you are buying. Great bargain !!!
Please look at each resource individually for details.
SPECIAL OFFER TODAY ONLY. 6 Lessons on Fractions. 1 Power Point for each lesson.
Interactive Slides. Very visual, allowing for students to discover and make the connections.
Lessons written for Mastery and Understanding. The Lessons have been written by an Outstanding Teacher/Leader from Outstanding School.
Great images to draw understanding of fractions, a topic that is hard to get through to students. The images and carefully thought through slides are badly needed for students to understand this topic.
Questions to make students think and understand and assess before moving on.
Answers also available.
Assessment questions included with answers.
Challenge Questions included.
Full of lots of questions for students to attempt, inclusive of challenge questions.
Lesson 1: What is a fraction - understanding fractions. (Contains 15 slides)
Lesson 2: Understanding equivalent fractions. (Contains 30 slides)
Lesson 3: Working out fraction of an amount. (Contains 32 slides)
Lesson 4: Adding and Subtracting Fractions. (Contains 32 Slides)
Lesson 5/6: Problem Solving and Fractions. (Contains 19 slides in total)
I have put down how many slides each PowerPoint contains as the preview slides do not do the resources justice that it deserves.
Kindly review the resource once you have purchased it. Thank you in advance.
Very engaging and interactive lessons.
1 Power Point aimed at Addition and Subtraction Word Problems.
Bar Modelling Worksheet and question bank sheet.
Very Visual
Tasks to be completed, can be printed from the power point if need be.
Mini White board Assessment Questions.
2 Lessons worth of resources, about 100 minutes.
A 39 slide interactive and engaging PowerPoint Presentation, lots of questions, presenting negative numbers from a real life prospective.
Questions to assess understanding, misconception and application.
2 Worksheets on Weather and Negative Number Pyramid.
Very Visual and Interactive PowerPoint.
Enough for minimum of 2 Lessons about 100 Minutes worth of resources.
32 colourful interactive slides, lots of questions, 2 full lessons worth of materials.
PowerPoint 1 - Lesson on Multiplication and Multiplication Strategies. 32 colourful interactive slides. Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception. Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic. Links made to real life.
Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed.
Enough for minimum of 2 Lesson about 100 Minutes worth of resources
Core 1 - Edexcel / Pearson Exam Board
Chapter 2 (Quadratics)
- Drawing Quadratics.
- Factorising and Solving Quadratics.
- Completing the square and Solving Quadratics.
- Using the formula and Solving Quadratics.
- Sketching Quadratics and Using the Discriminants.
- Exercises include Step by Step answers.
Chapter 3 (Simultaneous Equations)
- Solving by Elimination Method
- Solving by Substitution
- Solving by Substitution - Linear / Quadratic
- 3 Exam Questions with Mark Scheme
- Exercises include Step by Step answers.
Core 2 - Edexcel / Pearson Exam Board
Chapter 1
- Factor Theorem
- Remainder Theorem
- Dividing Polynomials
- Simplifying Expressions
- Exams Questions and Answers
Chapter 2
- Sine Rule
- Cosine Rule
- Sine Rule Area
- Worked through exam questions.
- Exercises include Step by Step answers.
Written by an Outstanding Practitioner.
Kindly Review after purchasing.
Very engaging and interactive lessons. Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision.
Fraction - Equivalent Fractions
The Lesson has been written by an Outstanding Teacher/Leader from Outstanding School, specialist in Mathematical Mastery.
1 Power Point Presentation.
Interactive Slides that are very visual, allowing for students to discover and make the connections.
Lessons written for Mastery and Understanding.
Great images to draw understanding of fractions, a topic that is hard to get through to students. The images and carefully thought through slides are badly needed for students to understand this topic.
Questions to make students think and understand and assess before moving on.
Assessment questions included to check on understanding.
Challenge Questions included.
Presentation on: Understanding equivalent fractions. (Contains 30 slides)
I have put down how many slides each PowerPoint contains as the preview slides do not do the resources justice that it deserves.
Kindly review the resource once you have purchased it. Thank you in advance.
2 Lessons on Rounding, 2 Lessons on Estimating and Bonus 4 Lessons on Decimals and Place Value.
Rounding Resource contains 3 PowerPoints.
PowerPoint 1 - Lesson on Rounding Integers and Decimal Places for Higher Tier.65 colourful interactive slides.Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception.
Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic.Links made to real life.
Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed.
PowerPoint 2 - Lesson on Rounding to nearest 10,100 and 1000 for Foundation Tier.
47 colourful interactive slides. As above Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception. Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic.
Links made to real life.
Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed.
PowerPoint 3 - Lesson on Rounding to decimal places for Foundation Tier. 53 colourful interactive slides. As above Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception. Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic. Links made to real life.
Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed.
Worksheets - lots of worksheets including BINGO Generator and Rounding Questions Generator using Excel. Enough for minimum of 2 Lesson about 100 Minutes worth of resources
Rounding Significant Figures and Estimation Resource Contains: 2 PowerPoints.
PowerPoint 1 - Lesson on Significant Figures and Estimation. 39 colourful interactive slides. Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception.
Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic.
Links made to real life.
Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed.
PowerPoint 2 - Lesson on Methods of Estimation. 25 colourful interactive slides. As above Lots of questions to assess understanding and check for misconception. Discussion points to make students understand and master the topic. Links made to real life.
Tasks included in the PowerPoint which can be printed.
Worksheets - 2 Worksheets based on Significant Figures Estimation Worded Problems and Methods of Estimation Worksheet.
Enough for minimum of 2 Lesson about 100 Minutes worth of resources
Fraction - What is a Fraction?
We know students find fractions difficult, that is mainly because they do not understand it fully, this lesson explains what a fraction actually is.
1 Power Point Presentation.
The Lesson has been written by an Outstanding Teacher/Leader from Outstanding School, specialist in Mathematical Mastery.
Interactive Slides that are very visual, allowing for students to discover and make the connections.
Lessons written for Mastery and Understanding.
Great images to draw understanding of fractions, a topic that is hard to get through to students. The images and carefully thought through slides are badly needed for students to understand this topic.
Questions to make students think and understand and assess before moving on.
Assessment questions included to check on understanding.
Challenge Questions included.
Presentation on: What is a fraction - understanding fractions. (Contains 15 slides)
I have put down how many slides each PowerPoint contains as the preview slides do not do the resources justice that it deserves.
Kindly review the resource once you have purchased it. Thank you in advance.
£20 pounds resources at a bargain price. .
The Great Bundle with Resources Created Recently.
Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision.
1. Function Machine
2. Simultaneous Equations (Elimination/Substitution) (Exercises come with step by step answers)
3. Quadratic Equations (Factorising/Complete the square / formula) (Exercises come with step by step answers)
4. Direct Proportions
5. Factor Theorem Dividing Polynomials for Year 12 AS Maths
6. Sine / Cosine Rule (Advanced Trig) (Exercises come with step by step answers)
Great for Revision or Whole Lesson.
Surface area of Cuboid, Triangular Prism and Cylinder. Discounted Price for LIMITED TIME ONLY.
Excellent animation TOOL so students can visualise each face. The 3D Shape can be moved so students can visualise the dimensions.
Very Detailed so it can be used for Revision lesson or whole lesson.
Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision.
Each 3D Shape broken down so students can work out each face and understand the true meaning of surface area.
Very detailed lessons. Gradients and Y intercept of Straight Line Graph(Power Point Based Lesson) This also contains a FANTASTIC Straight Line Graph TOOL so students can explore graphs and work out gradients and y intercept. You type in the Gradient and Y intercept it draws the graph for you, you can do several so you can compare graphs example parallel lines.
Quadratic Graphs drawn from table of values. (Power Point Based).
Straight Line Graphs (Power Point Version)
Straight Line Graphs (Smart Notebook Version)
Real Life Graphs
31 Power Point Slides with differentiated Real Life Graphs.
Colourful and different scenarios to check understanding of context and the real world.
Great for quick revision or whole lesson.
This resource contains Fantastic 5 Animated Tools / Graphics explaining and introducing the Median (One of the Averages). Very visual and engaging.
Good for quick fire revision or whole lesson.
Also Includes:
1) How to work out the median from Cumulative Frequency Diagram.
2) How to work out the median from Stem and Leaf Diagram.
3) Works out median from ODD / Even Set of Data Set.
Whether its Math or Maths or Mathematics ..
Fantastic resource for KS2 Maths SATS Preparation.
Arithmetic Paper 1. Great for Revision.
This resource contains one paper that can be printed and be sat by students (36 Questions, 40 marks).
Questions are similar to 2016 Paper and Sample Paper from 2015.
The resource also has an organised power point presentation with all 36 questions and ANSWERS included. This will allow you to go through answers after they sit the paper.
The BEST part about this resource is that there is an EDITABLE presentation which you can edit and create your own paper by changing the questions.
Please leave a review and if popular, I will produce a Paper 2 and 3 for Reasoning.
The ALL Great Area and Perimeter Bundle:
A Bundle based on Area and Perimeter.
Great for whole lesson or quick fire revision.
Please look at each resource individually to preview what each resource contains.
Each Resource has PowerPoint filled with questions and Answers, interactive colourful slides. Questions checking for understanding and misconceptions. Tasks leading mastery of the topic.
You will not be disappointed a minimum of 11 Lessons worth of resources (PowerPoints and worksheets) for a bargain price.
This Bundle Contains:
1) BIDMAS & Indices (7 Lessons) - 2 Smart Notebook Files on BIDMAS & Indices.
2) BIDMAS (3 Lessons) - 4 Power Points and 2 Worksheets.
3) Powers of 10 and Standard Form (3 Lessons) - 2 Power Points and 2 Worksheets.
For in depth details please see the Individual Item by clicking on each resource.